Add $20k to your photo income this fall with PRODUCTS

Two Day Workshop


AUGUST 27 & 28, 1PM EST 

i need this, sign me up!

How to offer amazing products clients are EXCITED about buying!

In our 2-day bootcamp, finally learn how to ...

How EVERY one of your clients can walk away with tangible products

What products to offer that you LOVE.

How I grew my business from a $400 session average to a $2k+ average

i totally want to join!

How to bring in clients excited to spend THOUSANDS on products

It’s also why I understand the way you’re feeling about your business:

Burnt out, frustrated, and wondering when it will be your turn to have that dreamy business that other photographers seem to have. So far, it’s a liiiitle more ‘nightmare’ than ‘sweet dreams’, isn’t it?

I’m a portrait photographer from South Carolina, and I’ve been in the industry for 9 years. Trust me when I say I totally understand how hard you’re working right now.

Hey y'all! I'm Christa

I used to be there!

Booking 20 weddings. Talk about BURNOUT.

I hear you, you thought the answer to growth was:

Needing to be someone you're just not... You love who you are and serving ordinary clients!

Needing to change your work... again!

How to bring in clients excited to spend THOUSANDS on products

Having to be icky like a mall kiosk worker to sell products... 

Needing to pay thousands for a fancy studio front to sell products

But instead, you could:

Offer products in a way that SERVES clients, and stands out form your competition!

Have a system that feels aligned and not icky

Have THOUSANDS of dollars extra from 1 shoot by meeting VIRTUALLY

Increase your portrait average $500-$1,000 without changing your work

Not need to shoot 5 times/week to hit your BIG goals

Add an extra $1-3k onto EVERY wedding package

What Our Clients Are Saying

2 live calls with the replay sent after!

What's included:

Live Q&A

Free 48-hour replay link

Freebie- pricing calculator to make sure you're hitting your goals

I'm in! Show me how to add $20k this fall!

(it's free!)


Audrey joined to spend more time with her 2 boys and have to take less weddings, tripled her income from what she brought in last year, and had a $9900 month with a handful of shoots.
 - Audrey Grace Photo

Audrey went from a $500 average to a $2000+ average per session

Nicole is a busy mom of 2, and instead of throwing in the towel, to her business, learned how to offer more and exploded her income. 

Nicole tripled her income
with less shoots 

We just need a little info to send your invite & replay: